Welcome folks to DCAT's web site.
We are embarking on another site redesign, though this one will be functional and organizational, rather than aesthetic.
After gathering together so many various resources and finally getting most of them (save the old StarNet site's straw bale content) into this new design a couple years back now, we realized that just because we achieved the goal of one-click access to any single page, we didn't necessarily make the organization of the site adequately clear that you knew where that click would actually take you. Time to once again call in the professionals!
This time around our web support company is Creative Slice located right here in Tucson. You can check them out at www.creativeslice.com and if you're looking for web support or design, I suggest you do. Good and talented folks.
Now all that remains is for me to get things well organized enough so we can have a site that is both usable and intuitive to navigate. We of course, welcome your suggestions in this quest.
Getting those suggestions and any other contact to us will now take place via an inquiry form, which you can find here. If you have tried to contact us in the past by clicking on links on this site, you probably got an error message. That's because of the clever little robots crawling all over the internet and gathering every e-mail address they can find. As a result, spammers buried our e-mail server with thousands of useless messages and all of the legitimate inquiries went the way of electrons that have served their purpose. We apologize for the frustration this might have caused. Hopefully the contact form will provide a sufficient filter as to avoid such silliness in the future.
Also, we will be replacing the forums we had with something more like a blog. The challenge to maintain the forum was too daunting, and we hope to be able to still incorporate dialogue and topical discussions as we feel our way into this new medium.
Okay, enough for now. We will be in a more or less constant state of revising this site and adding or expanding content. We hope whatever it is you are working on on your end of this connection is growing and unfolding as well. Much to be done!
All best wishes,

Tony Novelli
Assistant Director/Webmaster
February 8th, 2005