Code and Professional Organizations
Bamboo Organizations and Links
Earthen Materials Organizations and Links
Straw Bale Organizations and Links
Green Building
Resource Organizations
Websites of Green Building Programs
A list of code organizations and organizations for professionals
involved in code issues.
Darrel DeBoer, Architect
1835 Pacific Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 865-3669
Bamboo construction project page of Constructief Ontwerpen
of the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands.
California Institute of Earth Art and Architecture
10376 Shangri La Avenue
Hesperia CA 92345
(760) 244-0614
Cob Cottage Company
Box 123
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
(541) 942-2005
Earth Building Foundation
5928 Guadalupe Trail Northwest
Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 345-2613
Earthship Biotecture
PO Box 1041
Taos, NM 87571
(505) 751-0462
Getty Conservation Institute - Project Terra
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 700
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1684
(310) 440-7325
Living Systems Architecture & Construction
9 Juniper Court
Prescott, AZ 86301
(520) 717-2566
Old Pueblo Adobe Company
9353 N Casa Grande Highway
Tucson, AZ 85743
(520) 744 9268 or (800) 327 4705
Rammed Earth Works
1001 S. Combs, Suite N
Napa, California 94558
(707) 224-2532
Southwest Solar Adobe School
Publishers of Interamericas Adobe Builder magazine
P.O. Box 153
Bosque, NM 87006
(505) 861-1255
Quentin Wilson, Adobe instructor and contractor
2907 Agua Fria
Santa Fe, NM 87501
(505) 471-5711
California Straw Bale Association (CASBA)
P.O. Box 1293
Angels Camp, CA 95222-1293
(209) 785-7077
The Canelo Project
HC1 Box 324
Elgin, AZ 85611
DAWN/Out on Bale by Mail
6570 W. Illinois St.
Tucson, AZ 85735
(520) 624-1673
Harvest Built Homes
93 California Street
Ashland, OR 97520
(541) 482-8733
International Straw Bale Registry - An exciting resource
by greenbuilder.com, The Last Straw Journal, and The Straw
Bale Association of Texas that lists existing straw bale structures
and information about whether or not they are open for visits.
The Last Straw - The journal of the straw bale building community.
The site includes some general information on straw bale construction,
subscription information, information on back-issues, and
an extensive list of human resources (builders, architects,
etc. involved in straw bale construction).
Straw Bale Association of Texas (SBAT)
P.O. Box 49381
Austin, TX 78765
(512) 302-6766
Building Environmental Science and Technology (BEST) http://www.energybuilder.com/
Building Science Corporation http://www.buildingscience.com/
Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development (USDOE) http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/
Community Office for Resource Efficiency http://www.altenergy.org/core
"Building Today for Tomorrow" http://www.greenhomebuilding.com/
and Private Initiatives in Sustainable Building and Development"
is a 2001 report by DCAT that lists green building initiatives
and programs throughout the United States. Here you will find
the entire list with links, and the PDF document for downloading
that contains more information on each program.
Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility
P.O. Box 18375
Washington, DC 20036-8375
American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment
1735 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20006-5292
(202) 626-7482
Ecological Building Network
209 Caledonia Street
Sausalito, CA. 94965-1926
(415) 331-7630
Energy & Environmental Building Association
10740 Lyndale Avenue South, Suite 10W
Bloomington, MN 55420-5615
(952) 881-1098
National Home Builders Association Research Center
Prince George's Boulevard
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20774
(301) 249-4000
NAHBRC's Information on Green Building
Oasis Designs
Santa Barbara, CA
oasis at oasisdesign dot net
Art Ludwig of Oasis Designs is a great resource in the ongoing effort to contextualize sustianability and green the built environment. Enjoy a thought provoking essay and excellent set of resources at: www.oasisdesign.net/design/legalizesustainability
United States Green Building Council
1015 18th Street, NW, Suite 805
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 82-USGBC (828-7422)
USGBC's Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED)
green building rating system
Austin Green Building Program. Austin, TX. http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/greenbuilder
Built Green Colorado. Denver, CO. http://www.builtgreen.org/
Build A Better Kitsap Program. Kitsap County, WA. http://www.kitsaphba.com/
City of Portland G/Rated. Portland. OR. http://www.green-rated.org/
EarthCraft House. Atlanta, GA. www.atlantahomebuilders.com/earthcraft/
Florida Green Building Coalition. Naples, FL. http://www.floridagreenbuilding.org/
Green Building Alliance. Pittsburgh, PA. http://www.gbapgh.org/
Green Builder Program. Albuquerque, NM. http://www.hbacnm.com/green_builder/index.html
Maryland Green Building Program and Network. Annapolis, MD.
Scottsdale Green Building Program. Scottsdale, AZ. http://www.ci.scottsdale.az.us/greenbuilding
Wisconsin Green Built Home. Madison, WI. http://www.wi-ei.org/GBH/index.htm
Note: More and more State, Local, and HBA Green Building Programs
are being developed. This may not be the most current list
of all existing programs.