ASTM Earthen Materials Task Group
This task group is housed under the American
Society for Testing and Materials International (ASTM)
E6.71 Subcommittee, on Sustainability for Buildings. David
Eisenberg is vice-chair of this subcommittee, and DCAT founded
and chairs the Earthen Materials Task Group. The task group
is developing a series of standards and construction guides
for earthen materials and building systems. The initial focus
is on adobe, rammed earth, and compressed earth blocks.
For more information, please contact us at DCAT.
If you are looking for straw bale testing standards, here
they are:
ASTM E-119 Small Scale
Fire Test (New Mexico) (264K)
E84-98 Surface Burning Characteristics report (452K)
click here
if you need to get Adobe Acrobat to read PDFs.)