General Alternative
and Green Building Resources Books
Straw Bale Books
Earthen Materials
Elizabeth, Lynne and Cassandra Adams, eds. 2000.
Alternative Construction: Contemporary Natural Building Methods.
New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Imhoff, Dan. 2001.
Building With Vision: Optimizing and Finding Alternatives
to Wood. Healdsburg, CA: Watershed Media.
Lstiburek, Joseph. 1998.
Builder's Guide: Hot-Dry and Mixed-Dry Climates. Westford,
MA: Building Science Corporation.
Marinelli, Janet and Paul Bierman-Lytle. 1995.
Your Natural Home: The Complete Sourcebook and Design Manual
for Creating a Healthy, Beautiful, and Environmentally Sensitive
Home. Boston: Little and Brown.
National Home Builders Association Research Center. 2000.
A Guide to Developing Green Builder Programs. Upper
Marlboro, MD: NAHBRC.
Pearson, David. 1989.
The Natural House Book: Creating a
Healthy, Harmonious, and Ecologically-Sound Home Environment.
New York: Simon and Schuster/Fireside.
Pearson, David. 1996.
The Natural House Catalog: Everything You Need to Create an
Environmentally Friendly Home. New York: Simon and
Rocky Mountain Institute. 1998.
Green Development: Integrating Ecology and Real Estate.
New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Various books on sustainable living and alternative construction
methods/materials published by Chelsea Green Publishing, White
River Junction, VT. See catalog or http://www.chelseagreen.com/.
Environmental Building News,
Brattleboro, VT
Environmental Building News is an outstanding journal on green
building, and EBN also publishes the GreenSpec Directory and
the Green Building Advisor CD-ROM).
Environmental Design and Construction,
San Francisco, CA
Read David Eisenberg's article Greening of the Building
Codes from January 2001.
Home Power, Ashland, OR
In Business magazine, Emmaus,
Of special note: The Green Building Series appears
in the in July/August, September/October, and November/December
2000 issues (Vol. 22, No. 4, 5, 6).
Natural Home magazine,
Loveland, CO
Solar Today, Boulder, CO
Waser, Katherine. 2000. A
report on the Pima County Alternative Building Materials Exhibit
in Arid Lands Newsletter,
May 2000.
Building Innovation for Homeownership - Award Winners : Arizona
Description of the superinsulated straw bale project that
won an award from the Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD). DCAT was a participant in this project.
Straw-Bale Structures: An Eyewitness Account
Article by David Eisenberg published on the Skillful Means
of Straw Bale Construction
Article by David Eisenberg on the Tucson - Pima County Metropolitan
Energy Commission website
Jaccaci , Alex and Steven Bodzin. 1996. New
Pioneering in Straw Bale Buildingin Home
Energy, July/August 1996.
Includes information on insulative qualities of straw bale
and a quote by David Eisenberg.
Oldham, Jennifer. 2000. House
of Straw in Cape Cod
Times, June 4, 2000.
Feature article in the Cape Cod
Times, in which David Eisenberg is quoted.
King, Bruce. 1996.
Buildings of Earth and Straw: Structural Design for Rammed
Earth and Straw-Bale Architecture. Sausalito, CA: Ecological
Design Press (distributed by Chelsea Green Publishing, White
River Junction, VT).
Magwood, Chris and Peter Mack. 2000.
Straw Bale Building: How to Plan, Design and Build With Straw.
Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Press.
Myhrman, Matts and S.O. MacDonald. 1997.
Build It With Bales: A Step-by-Step Guide to Straw Bale Construction,
Version Two. Tucson, AZ: Out on Bale.
Steen, Athena Swentzell, Bill Steen, David Bainbridge and
David Eisenberg. 1994.
The Straw Bale House Book.
White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing.
Center for Development of Enterprise, CRATerre-EAG, and ENTPE.
Compressed Earth Blocks: Testing Procedures. Brussels:
Center for the Development of Enterprise.
Easton, David. 1996.
The Rammed Earth House Book. White River Junction,
VT: Chelsea Green Publishing.
Houben, Hugo and Hubert Guillaud. 1989.
Earth Construction: A Comprehensive Guide. London:
Intermediate Technology Publications.
King, Bruce. 1996.
Buildings of Earth and Straw: Structural Design for Rammed
Earth and Straw-Bale Architecture. Sausalito, CA: Ecological
Design Press (distributed by Chelsea Green Publishing, White
River Junction, VT).
Wojciechowska, Paula. 2001.
Building with Earth: A Guide to Flexible-Form Earthbag Construction.
White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing.
Institute for Lightweight Structures. 1985. Bambus/Bamboo
(IL 31). Stuttgart: Karl Kramer Verlag.
Janssen, Jules J.A. 1995. Building
With Bamboo: A Handbook. London: Intermediate Technology