DCAT strives to maintain and build upon the momentum of our
successes by securing a diversified funding base comprised
of corporate partnerships, individual donations, foundation
and government grants, consulting fees and honoraria.
DCAT is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and contributions
are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
- Funds contributed to DCAT are used
for the announced purposes of the organization only.
- Publicity and promotional activities
are truthful and non-deceptive.
- Personal information provided to
DCAT is kept confidential and will not be sold, rented,
or given to anyone without consent.
We see each and every donation as an expression of partnership
and support for our pioneering efforts that lead the movement
towards sustainable building practices locally, nationally
and globally.
DCAT acknowledges donors in the following ways:
- Identification of all donors (unless otherwise requested)
in our printed and downloadable Annual Report
- Individual corporate partner donation of more than $1,000
are listed in the primary sponsorship section of our website
- For corporate donors providing $5,000 or more, we provide
a small narrative about your organization and a hot link
to your website. Click
here for more information about our Corporate Partnership
- Inclusion in the resource section of our website, if applicable.
Most importantly, by donating to DCAT, contributors become
part of a big picture solution. Please see our accomplishments for more information on the successes we have
been able to achieve with the help of your donations!